Integrichain Blog


Pharmaceutical distribution channel analytics

Channel Dave Weiss
January 10, 2023

Direct Selling as a Distribution Channel for Specialty Lite Pharmaceuticals

3 Minute Read

Insights into specialty lite challenges and a new channel strategy that has emerged to help manufacturers balance patient access with their gross-to-net.

pharmaceutical pricing strategy reporting

Contracts & Pricing Carter Hall Michael Gorokhovsky Olivia Nweze
December 20, 2022

Value-Based Purchasing, Interchangeability in Biosimilars, Year End 2022 Roundup

5 Minute Read

Updates on two significant regulatory topics, including value-based purchasing, interchangeabilty with biosimilars, and an end of 2022 roundup.

Capitol Building, where state price transparency laws are enacted

Contracts & Pricing John Whitridge
December 15, 2022

2022 Trends in State Pricing Transparency Reporting

3 Minute Read

This is the first in a two-part blog series covering the ever-changing requirements by states as well as 2022 trends in Pricing Transparency Reporting.

ICyte Platform Josh Halpern
December 1, 2022

Entering the New Era of Data-Driven Drug Commercialization

5 Minute Read

Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer Josh Halpern reviews key industry trends impacting product commercialization and access, including the shift to true data-driven commercialization, highlighted at the Access Insights Conference...

Contracts & Pricing Nick Iaconi Olivia Nweze Victoria Nolan
November 23, 2022

Consumer Price Index, Pricing Transparency Updates, and the Impact of Digital...

5 Minute Read

Regulatory and legal updates on three significant regulatory topics, including consumer price index, pricing transparency updates, and the impact of digital pharmacies.

Contracts & Pricing Nick Iaconi Brian Bumpus Carter Hall
October 27, 2022

Stacking Discounts for Best Price, PHS & 340B, HHS Ruling

3 Minute Read

Regulatory and legal updates on three significant regulatory topics, including stacking of discounts for best price, PHS and 340B.

Three Pharma regulatory consultants working at a table and planning their pharma gross-to-net strategy

Contracts & Pricing Brian Bumpus Sarah Vo Carter Hall
September 27, 2022

FSS Public Law, US Territory Inclusion, and Branded Prescription Fee Invoice

4 Minute Read

Regulatory and legal updates on four significant regulatory topics, including the Inflation Reduction Act and FSS Public Law updates.

pharmaceutical pricing strategy reporting

Contracts & Pricing Jeff Baab
August 29, 2022

The Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on the Pharmaceutical Industry

4 Minute Read

Explore some of the key provisions and timelines of the Inflation Reduction Act for their impact on pharmaceutical manufacturers government pricing and GTN strategies.

Pharmaceutical distribution channel analytics

Contracts & Pricing Olivia Nweze Darren Schneider Michael Gorokhovsky
August 19, 2022

NDC Format Proposal, Focus on PBMs, False Claims Act

4 Minute Read

August's market update is a legislative review of the NDC formal proposal, FTC investigation of PBMs, and the False Claims Act.

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