Integrichain Blog


Contracts & Pricing Brendan Crabtree
May 27, 2021

Making Sense of Co-Pay Offset Programs

4 Minute Read

We dive into the specifics of co-pay offset programs and also examine updates to 340B administrative dispute resolution and ASP reporting as per H.R. 133.

Contracts & Pricing Brendan Crabtree
April 21, 2021

Updates to State Price Transparency Reporting, Medicaid Laws

3 Minute Read

Stay up-to-date with relevant, timely industry insights and regulatory updates that may impact pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Contracts & Pricing Rupal Patel John Whitridge
April 14, 2021

The Current State of Pharmaceutical Price Transparency Reporting

2 Minute Read

What you need to know about navigating a patchwork of state policies, achieving operational readiness, and avoiding compliance risk.

Contracts & Pricing Brendan Crabtree
March 11, 2021

Changes to Medicare Part D, Drug Rebate Program, OIG Final Rule

5 Minute Read

Stay up-to-date with relevant, timely industry insights and regulatory updates that may impact pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Contracts & Pricing Brendan Crabtree
February 16, 2021

New ASP Reporting Requirements, 340B Drug Pricing Program and Final Rule,...

4 Minute Read

Stay up-to-date with relevant, timely industry insights and regulatory updates that may impact pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Contracts & Pricing Greg Katz Annamarie Lee
October 15, 2020

Public Law Timeline for 2021, OIG Audit Report, Hot Topics at...

2 Minute Read

Stay up-to-date with relevant, timely industry insights and regulatory updates that may impact pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Contracts & Pricing Rupal Patel
September 17, 2020

Additional Drug Reporting for NDA and ANDA Holders, FDA NSDE Structured...

2 Minute Read

Stay up-to-date with relevant, timely industry insights and regulatory updates that may impact pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Contracts & Pricing Rupal Patel
August 11, 2020

New Drug Pricing Executive Orders, Changes to 340B

2 Minute Read

Stay up-to-date with relevant, timely industry insights and regulatory updates that may impact pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Contracts & Pricing John Whitridge
July 22, 2020

New News From California: Pricing Transparency, State Supplemental Program

2 Minute Read

Stay up-to-date with relevant, timely industry insights and regulatory updates that may impact pharmaceutical manufacturers.

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