Editor’s Note: This month, we offer pharma industry updates on three topics: Changing Pharmacy Reimbursements with CVS Healthspire, FSS/IFF Reporting Alert, and the latest in Sustain Act 340B. As always, if you have questions on any of the content found in this or previous market updates, please reach out to your IntegriChain Consulting Lead or consulting@integrichain.com and we would be happy to talk you through it.

Table of Contents

Changing Pharmacy Reimbursements with CVS

CVS Health has announced its plan to revamp its pricing strategy for prescription drug medication. This move aims to simplify the complex pricing model that has long been a pain point for patients, pharmacists, and payers alike.

As for their vision for change, here is what we know so far. 

Transparency: CVS plans to provide greater transparency by offering “client pricing reflecting the true net cost of prescription drugs, with visibility into administrative fees.”

Integration of Care: CVS intends to roll out CVS Healthspire which will focus on delivering “connected patient care, pharmacy benefits, and innovative provider support solutions in communities across the country.”

This new change could have potential benefits to the current healthcare system. By focusing on delivering care with reducing costs, it would help improve health outcomes and the patient experience, especially for those with chronic conditions. Other players in the pharmaceutical ecosystem—such as pharmaceutical manufacturers, PBMs, and insurers—will closely watch CVS’s experiment. If it succeeds, we may see similar shifts elsewhere.


FSS/IFF Reporting Alert

VA FSS has closed the old FSS/GSA “VA Sales Portal.” In its place, manufacturers must transition their FSS sales reporting and IFF remittance duties to Federal Acquisition (FAS) Sales Reporting Portal at https://srp.fas.gsa.gov/.

The new system goes live April 1, 2024. We recommend all pharma manufacturers attempt to sign into the new portal before the due date of the next reporting cycle to identify any sign-on problems. If you have trouble, you may contact the GSA Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm EDT at 877.495.4849 or vendor.suport@gsa.gov. For questions specifically related to the FAS Sales Reporting Portal, you may write to FSSRP@gsa.gov.

Latest in 340B Drug Discount Program: Draft Reform Bill “Sustain Act 340B”

Bipartisan senators issued an initial discussion draft bill and a request for information (RFI) to help curb the existing Sustain Act 340B abuse that has been long-standing in the industry, leading many pharma manufacturers to institute their own guidelines surrounding which entities they opt to provide discounted prices to. The 340B Program does not allow manufacturers to “discriminate” who they can and cannot provide 340B ceiling prices to; however, with the growing number of contract pharmacies and lack of appropriate transparency in place, manufacturers have felt the need to halt what they believe are out of control practices by covered entities.

The draft bill contains a few key provisions that help curtail the impropriety from both manufacturers and covered entities/HRSA.

  • Prohibits manufacturers from placing restrictions on 340B drugs provided to covered entities that contract with contract pharmacies
  • Requires hospitals to register their contract pharmacies with Health & Human Services (HHS) annually
  • Requires hospitals to be more transparent in their processes and provide information required by manufacturers including the number of patients provided drugs at the 340B price
  • Recommends charging of user fees to oversee the program, which would be no greater than [.01]% of the savings the covered entity receives under the 340B Program
  • Recommends establishing a clearing house for rebate claim scrubbing to prevent duplicate discounting, an area many manufacturers have struggled with for years

Additionally, the reform bill also proposes to provide clarity to the term “patient” to obtain alignment on what constitutes an “eligible” patient. The clarification requirement stems from the Genesis court hearing where the term “patient” was at the crux of the case. 

Lastly, the bill also contains a provision to prohibit discriminatory practices towards covered entities and contract pharmacies from PBMs and GPOs.


If you have any questions or want to discuss any potential implications the Draft Reform Bill “Sustain Act 340B Act” has on your business, please reach out to your IntegriChain Advisory point of contact or send an email to Consulting@integrichain.com.


About the Author

Sarah Vo

Sarah Vo

Consultant, Advisory Services

Sarah Vo is an up and coming consultant on the Operational Consulting team at Integrichain. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Public Health at Temple University and has worked on research pertaining to patient journey during and after cancer along with health disparities. She will receive her Masters in Healthcare Administration with a focus in business analytics December 2022. Her background and experience brings a new perspective to Government Contracts & Pricing services for Life Sciences manufacturers of all sizes.

About the Author

Brian Bumpus

Brian Bumpus

Director, Advisory Services

Brian Bumpus is a Director in IntegriChain’s Operational Consulting Practice. Brian is a career pharmaceutical executive with more than 20 years experience in Life Science commercial contracts and Government compliance matters. He has assisted both large and small manufacturers with compliance and strategy challenges. At IntegriChain, he primarily assists clients with Government Pricing regulations and compliance.

About the Author

Rupal Patel

Rupal Patel

Executive Director, Advisory Services

Rupal Patel is Executive Director in IntegriChain’s Operational Consulting practice, responsible for overseeing and leading the Government Pricing Advisory team. She is a recognized trusted advisor to Life Sciences manufacturers with an extensive record of success delivering strategic solutions that improve organizational accuracy, efficiency, and compliance. Currently she oversees more than 150 small- to mid-sized manufacturers and has extensive experience in leading pre-commercial launch projects for both Government Pricing and State Price Transparency.