

Solving the Downstream Inventory Visibility Challenge 

August 17, 2023 

In this second webinar of the series, IntegriChain product and solution experts explored how downstream inventory and demand projection inaccuracies can create havoc with gross-to-net (GTN) processes. Attendees learned how IntegriChain capabilities in the following areas can drive more efficient, accurate, and audit-ready GTN results.

  • Inventory Roll Forward Management
  • Industry Common Practices for Estimating Downstream Inventory
  • Inventory Analytics Solutions

For a synopsis of this session, click here.

Learn more from part one of our series, here.

    Aaron Light
    Solutions Manager

    Brittany Honeycutt
    Executive Director, Gross-to-Net

    Tom Travaglini
    Senior Manager

    Haley Morgaylo
    Senior Manager

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