Gross-to-Net (GTN)

Improved forecast accuracy, GTN modeling, and financial close efficiency for life sciences companies

Gross-to-net rationalization is a key industry obstacle for life sciences on par with patient initiation and adherence challenges. Our GTN software for accrual management is an end-to-end revenue solution for your Market Access and Finance departments.

Our industry-leading GTN software solutions and advisory improves your forecast accuracy, GTN modeling, and financial close efficiency. Our software includes GTN Accruals, configured for all standard line items with robust out-of-the-box accrual methodologies; GTN forecaster with industry-standard forecast methodologies configured for each liability line item; and reports and dashboards, allowing you to analyze your GTN liabilities with drill-down and roll-up capabilities.

Addressing the industry’s GTN rationalization and predictability challenges through software

  • Automated data loads
  • Version-controlled data and scenario modeling functionality
  • Ability to manage all GTN data uploaded seamlessly from our customer source systems or via specially configured upload processes
  • Functionality to clone, edit, and package required data such as transactional data, pricing and contract data, and master data as needed prior to executing models
  • GTN Accruals functionality, configured for all standard line items with robust out-of-the-box accrual methodologies including: inventory and pipeline adjustments to accruals, balance sheet reconciliation to the manufacturer’s ERP, and true-up functionality
  • GTN Forecaster with industry-standard forecast methodologies configured for each liability line item with the ability to execute multiple scenario analyses for forecasts along with functionality to compare scenarios
  • A wide selection of reports and dashboards to analyze GTN liabilities with drill-down and roll-up capabilities

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