Pharma Data-Driven Gross-to-Net Solutions

Drive Pharma Gross-to-Net Revenue through Control, Visibility & Optimization

“Being able to accurately calculate and forecast accruals is vital to our financial planning process and ability to meet our financial goals.”

Vice President | Finance

Achieve Net Revenue Growth with IntegriChain’s Gross-to-Net Pharma Solutions

With stagnant net revenue growth, the pharmaceutical industry faces multiple factors compressing margins, including government regulations, private payer negotiations, evolving distribution channels, and broader economic pressures. As a result, manufacturers are witnessing a concerning decline in net revenue.

Pharmaceutical companies need to have control, visibility, and optimization to drive net revenue growth. IntegriChain’s Gross-to-Net (GTN) pharma solutions unlock hidden revenue potential and combat stagnant net revenue growth.

Here’s how IntegriChain tackles the biggest challenges facing Finance and Accounting teams:

Gross to Net Pharma Revenue Growth

Transparent and auditable forecasts for informed decision-making

Test different pricing strategies and market responses to perform what-if analysis

Accurate, Reliable Data with the ICyte platform

Transparent calculations and streamlined processes for enhanced auditability

Ensure accurate and compliant revenue recognition 

IntegriChain empowers pharma manufacturers to take control, gain visibility, and optimize finances for maximized gross-to-net revenue growth.

Spend 50% less effort on end-to-end GTN pharma forecast processes with ICyte.

ICyte Platform.

Gain Confidence in Your GTN Pharma Modeling

Being able to analyze the effect of variations and build models to assess how different contract structures and pricing strategies influence projected net revenue is a challenge for manufacturers. Fragmented data, siloed departments utilizing independent GTN spreadsheets, and the sheer complexity of pricing factors – fees, discounts, chargebacks, credits, rebates – all contribute to this challenge.

The ICyte Platform streamlines gross-to-net pharma modeling by facilitating seamless collaboration across your organization. Key stakeholders can now contribute critical inputs directly within the platform:

Gross To Net Pharma Modeling

Price Modeling

  • WAC pricing impacts
  • Price, contract, legislation and CPIU effects on URA
  • Impact of AMP and URA fluctuations on 340B/PHS price
  • Triggers for Part D or Part B inflation rebate penalty
  • Forecasted Tricare price and its GTN impact

Contract Modeling

  • Effects on Channel strategy and design on net revenue
  • Effects on Channel contract rates on net revenue
  • Change in Payer/Commercial contract strategy and contract rates on net revenue
  • Net revenue impact upon participating or pulling out of MDRP program
  • Net revenue impact of Medicaid State Supplemental program participation

This unified approach empowers teams responsible for pricing, payer negotiations, and co-pay programs to model future scenarios within the same platform. The result? A dramatically simplified process for exchanging crucial forecast inputs, leading to:

  • Increased Confidence: Make data-driven decisions backed by a comprehensive understanding of net price.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Break down departmental silos and foster a collaborative forecasting environment.
  • Improved Efficiency: Streamline data collection and analysis, freeing up valuable time and resources.

IntegriChain’s GTN pharma consulting covers three primary service areas, powered by ICyte data from over 550 brands

GTN Consulting.

Pharmaceutical Financial Management

Streamline Accrual Management and Achieve Forecast Precision

Take the guesswork out of pharmaceutical financial management. IntegriChain empowers you to overcome the data, process, and resource limitations hindering accurate pharma gross-to-net (GTN) and net-pricing visibility.

We understand the intricate dependencies between GTN, channel, patient, and payer data.

IntegriChain offers a complete suite for pharmaceutical gross-to-net management solutions:

  • Unified Data Management: Manage all pharma GTN, contracting, pricing, channel, and patient data with a single, reliable source.
  • Enhanced Accrual & Forecasting: Implement industry-leading solutions for accrual management and forecasting, tailored to life science manufacturers of all sizes and complexities.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from our team’s deep industry knowledge. Leverage consulting services featuring best practices, benchmarking, and relevant market analogs.
  • Actionable Insights: Gain a competitive edge with our advanced analytics, delivering rapid, actionable insights into product profitability.

Empower your team to make data-driven decisions and unlock sustainable growth.


Navigating the Complexities of Pharma | BioPharma Gross-to-Net Forecasting

The pharma gross-to-net process, essential for understanding net revenue, demands a keen awareness of every piece of data and business drivers upstream.s.

Read the Post


Pharma Manufacturers’ GTN OUtcomes

Learn how pharmaceutical manufacturers saved on time and cost with ICyte Gross-To-Net adoption.

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