
March 5, 2025

IntegriChain Hosts Revenue Analytics Collaborative Summit

IntegriChain will host the annual RAC Summit, March 27, 2025, in East Brunswick, NJ, sponsored by the Revenue Analytics Collaborative (RAC). The RAC Summit is free to Pharmaceutical manufacturers who wish to learn more about industry challenges and regulations related to pricing and reimbursement, ask questions about commercialization and net revenue optimization, and share best practices amongst industry colleagues.

February 25, 2025

IntegriChain Launches ICyte Commercial Data Suite, Improving Pharma Commercial Decisioning and Go-to-Market Profitability

IntegriChain announces the launch of ICyte Commercial Data Suite, a comprehensive platform unifying operational, financial, and commercial data to drive commercial decision-making and go-to-market profitability. The platform combines enterprise data management and analytics to improve both commercial decisioning and go-to-market profitability, solving for the industry’s data fragmentation, quality, and integration gaps.

December 2, 2024

IntegriChain and Blue Fin Group Pharma Distribution Experts to Speak at Informa Trade & Channel Strategies

IntegriChain distribution experts will present at Informa’s upcoming Trade & Channel Strategies, December 10-12 in Philadelphia. Conference keynote Bill Roth, Senior Vice President and Managing Partner of the Blue Fin Group, an IntegriChain Company, and Mike Zubey, Senior Vice President, Sales, for IntegriChain have extensive experience and insights tenured in distribution strategies for Pharma manufacturers of all sizes, business stages, and complexity. 

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